Erasmus +
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (hereinafter NUUPES) always maintained and continues to maintain the tradition, focusing on a healthy lifestyle and creation a professional training center in Ukraine. All year university fully support reputation of European higher education. There were representatives of European and world science, prominent scientists and founders of known scientific schools and directions. Many university students and graduates were Olympic champions and winners of the Olympic Games, winners of World and European championships in various kinds of sport. The traditions of the past continue today. Now in our university are over three thousand students, preparing them more than fifty doctors and professors and more than a hundred PhDs and assistant professors. Since 2016 successfully implemented the project of students and scientific and educational mobility of the Latvian Academy of Sports Education on EU funds under Erasmus +.
Since 1994, the first department in Ukraine has started in NUUPES to train specialists in physical rehabilitation. In 2016, in connection with the changes in the legislation regulating the training of specialists in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the vector of development of the specialty has changed: from this time the department trains physical therapists and occupational therapists, and for two years it is the leader among similar departments in Ukraine by the number of students. In recent years, the university opened popular specialization "Physical rehabilitation in sports higher achievements" and "Sports nutrition" at the educational level "Master". In addition, together with the Kiev Medical University study 10 students specialized in sports medicine. We plan to expand map such partnerships to provide students of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport maximum opportunities for development in the areas that they consider interesting and useful in their future careers.
The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020.
What does it support?
Erasmus + provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability. It supports organisations to work in transnational partnership and to share innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth. The new Sport action will support grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.
Annual call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ programme:
- Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals;
- Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;
- Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support for policy reform;
- Jean Monnet activities;
- Sport.
Contact - National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine:
Postal address: 9 Bastionna Str., floor 8, Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (044) 286-66-68, +38 (044) 332-26-45
Fax: +38 (044) 286-66-68
Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine
Project acronym: REHAB
Project duration: 15.11.2018 – 14.11.2021
Erasmus+ (CBHE) grant amount: 997.249,00€
Project website:
Project goals:
The project addresses 3 major goals:
- building professional capacity of the academic and research staff,
- development of the teaching/learning/assessment resources, and
- creating specific educational infrastructure needed to provide the nationally new professional study program in physiotherapy.
Specific project objectives:
- Update and revise the current bachelor program on Physical Therapy;
- Create Comprehensive Physical Therapy Mastery study program;
- Increase professional capacity of academic/professional personnel of at least 40 qualified PT faculty members for teaching physical therapy;
- Create Educational Infrastructure for Learning Physiotherapy at partner Universities;
- Pilot PT master programs based on new content and innovative teaching approaches and graduate up to 200 masters in PT.
- Analysis of existing models of PT programs;
- New PT master curriculum development;
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment Resources creation (including e-resources for key modules and qualification exam);
- Intensive Mentorship Programs for faculty members;
- Creation University rehabilitation lab, Mini-Library on physical therapy at each university;
- Piloting and revision of new PT master curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment tools;
- Piloting innovation teaching approaches (interprofessional education, vertical teaching, rehabilitation labs);
- Project management, monitoring and quality evaluation activities;
- Dissemination (through online media and live tools).
Expected results:
- Revised and updated the university level PT bachelor study program of four years.
- New PT master study program offering advanced professional competence in different physiotherapy specializations (e.g., orthopaedics, APA, sport).
- The group of 40 qualified/certified physiotherapists will be prepared for partner HES. The core teaching staff will be built capable of teaching PT according European standards. Staff will be formed by retrained faculty members of legacy qualifications, by newly graduated PTs and by invited EU experts.
- Competency profile for physical therapist satisfying international requirements will be identified. This profile would be approved at national level and become the mandatory basis for all Ukrainian universities wishing to provide physical therapy study program.
- New PT master students will have possibility to participate in the IMP in EU and through Erasmus+ mobility through Erasmus programs and from own costs.
- Medical care system would change to accommodate new professionals in physiotherapy. The partnership with the Health Ministry in this project will facilitate the recognition of the PT as profession.
- In five years there will be up to 800 graduates of Consortium universities or up to 5000 graduates of all universities, with good employment prospects (current job market needs is about 35,000 PT).

The Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Rector - Janis Zidens
Project coordinator- Aija Klavina,
Chief of the Health Care study direction
Contacts: tel. +37129203488

Testing Board
Chief –
Project coordinator- Maryna Mruga,
Deputy director for research, instruction and international relations of Testing Board
tеl.: +380444251717

Lviv State University of Physical Culture (LSUPC)
Rector – Yevhen Prystupa
Project coordinator – Andriy Vovkanych, vice-rector in the scientific work and external connections
tel.:+38032 2553215

Ternopil State Medical University (TSMU)
Rector – Mykhailo Korda
Project coordinator – Ihor Mysula, Head of Department of Medical Rehabilitation
tel. : +380 352 524492
e-mail :

Rector – Anatoliy Vasyliev
Project coordinator - Kostyantyn I. Kyrychenko, Institutional ERASMUS+ Coordinator, Head of the International Affairs Office
Tel./ Fax: +38(0542)33-10- 81

Jozef Pilsudsky University of Physical Education in Warsaw (AWF)
Rector – Andrzej Mastalerz
Project coordinator - Bartosz Molik, Dean, Faculty of Rehabilitation
tel/fax: 22 834 06 36

Lithuanian Sport University (LSU)
Rector - Diana Rėklaitienė
Project coordinator - Jūratė Požerienė, Vice-Rector for Studies
tel.:(8 37) 302622

European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA)
Past president & project coordinator - José Pedro Ferreira
tel. + 351 239 802785

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK)
Rector - Juha Kämäri
Project coordinator - Anne Kärki, senior and principal lecturer in physiotherapy (BA) education
tel.:+358 44 710 3471
- Webinar "Ethics, deontology and communication: a new curriculum for students that learning on the physical therapy master's program", November, 1, 2022
- Webinar "Safe transfers and wheelchair pushing for everyone", October, 31, 2022
- Webinar by the physical therapy and occupational therapy NUUPES for the REHAB project partners, October, 24, 2022
- Meeting №9 of the working group of the REHAB project, October 21, 2022
- Webinars on the rehabilitation of patients with injuries after a warfare, September 27th and 28th, 2022
- Early rehabilitation of victims of combat trauma of the peripheral nervous system", August, 2nd, 2022
- REHAB project were continued till November, 14, 2022
- Online-training "Organization of medical and rehabilitation assistance to victims during their mass admission to a medical institution and psychological support of patients and their families", June, 22, 2022
- Participation in the WHO meeting, June, 7-8 in Copenhagen
- Online-meeting between representatives of REHAB project and Ariel University (Israel), May 11, 2022
- Online-training "Physical therapy of patients after surgical treatment of the adhesive capsulitis' shoulder joint", February 4th, 2022
- Online-training "Physical therapy and nonspecific low back pain", January, 27th, 2022
- Working meeting of the NUUPES group of the REHAB project realization at February, 3rd, 2022
- Online-training "TBP in pulmonary rehabilitation", January 21st, 2022
- Online-seminar "Physical therapy after spinal cord injury", December 21, 2021
- Online-Seminar "Standardization of methods of assessing functions according to ICF" November, 26, 2021
- Administrative meeting of REHAB project partners, November, 17, 2021
- Seminar "Experience of conducting an objective structural clinical examination for students on speciality 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy" November, 11, 2021
- Online-Seminar "Assistive aids in rehabilitation: Finnish perspective" November, 10, 2021
- Online-Seminar "Cardiac rehabilitation. Physiotherapy of persons with chronic heart failure", Ocober, 29, 2021
- Online-Seminar "Rehabilitation of cardiac patients: myocardiac infarction", October, 13, 2021
- Online-Seminar "Physical therapy for hip arthroplasty", October, 5 2021
- Online-Seminar "Clinical rehabilitation management in autism spectre disorders in children. Physical exercises program for children with ASD", September 30, 2021
- Working meeting of the ukrainian partners of the REHAB project, September, 27, 2021
- Working meeting of REHAB project partners on August 18th, 2021
- Online training "Breast cancer rehabilitation", May 26th, 2021.
- Assessment of the practical skills of the graduates students of the master's degree program within the OSCE exam, May 20-25, 2021
- Online training "Physical therapy for geriatrics and non-communicable diseases", April, 21st, 2021.
- Online training for the test' authors under the Testing Board of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, April, 5-7, 2021
- Online meeting of the Ukrainian partners of the REHAB project on the March, 10th, 2021.
- Online meeting of the ukrainian partners at February, 10th, 2021
- Online meeting of the ukrainian partners of the REHAB project
- Working meeting of the NUUPES group of the REHAB project realization at the January, 18th, 2021
- Working meeting of the ukrainian partners under the "REHAB" project about OSCE examination, December, 7th and 15th, 2020
- Physiotherapy week
- Online meeting with european partners of the "REHAB" about assessment tools of the master students of the physical therapy, November, 17th, 2020
- NUUPES working group online meeting at November 6th, 2020
- Working meeting of the ukrainian partners under the project "Innovative rehabilitation education - introduction of the new master's degree program in Ukraine", October, 22nd, 2020.
- Working meeting of the partners under the project "Innovative rehabilitation education - implementation of new master's degree program in Ukraine", October, 9th, 2020.
- Meeting №7 of the working group on the implementation of the project of the EU program Erasmus + "Innovative rehabilitation education - implementation of new master's degree programs in Ukraine", October 30, 2020.
- Autumn school of physical therapy
- Session №6 of the NUUPES working group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ Program in the area of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine "Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of a new master degree programs in Ukraine”, June, 22nd, 2020
- Winter School of physical therapy under the REHAB project
- Contest's results between master's degree students of the 1st year educaion for the Erasmus+ academic mobility program
- Session №5 of the NUUPES working group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ Program in the area of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine "Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of a new master degree programs in Ukraine" REHAB, February, 12, 2020
- Assessment of professional competence of masters of physical therapy and occupational therapy
- Working of the NEO monitoring mission in the NUUPES
- Session № 4 of the NUUPES Working Group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus + Program in the field of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)»
- Working meeting of the Project partners «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», October 21-26, 2019, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Working meeting with the project coordinator from Ukraine Marina Mruga on the preparation of reporting documents in accordance with the First period of the project, June 14, 2019, Kiev, Ukraine
- Session № 3 of the NUUPES Working Group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus + Program in the field of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)»
- Working meeting of the Project partners «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», May 20-26, 2019, Warsaw, Poland
- Session № 2 of the NUUPES Working Group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus + Program in the field of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», March 13, 2019, Kyiv
- NUUPES work meeting within the framework of the EU Erasmus + Program «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», February 13, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Coordination meeting of the Project partners «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», January 17-18, 2019, Riga, Latvia
- Session № 1 of the NUUPES Working Group on the implementation of the EU Erasmus + Program in the field of higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions in Ukraine «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)», November, 20, 2019, Kyiv
- Participation in a workshop for the winners of the Project on November 6-7, 2018 at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Online teaching activities, April, 2022-November, 2022
- Plan of events for 2022
- Physiotherapy Week in REHAB-project by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
- AGENDA NEO Ukraine Monitoring Mission Project «Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)»
- Information week of the REHAB project on physical therapy and occupational therapy department
- Seminars with the 1st year students on specialty 227 "Physical therapy, Occupational Therapy" according to information about EU Erasmus + programs in higher education with the participation of HEIs from Ukraine and the REHAB project, 29-30 October 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Seminars for students of specialty 227 «Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” on disseminating information about the EU Erasmus + programs in higher education with the participation of higher educational institutions from Ukraine and the project (REHAB)», March-April 2019, Kyiv
- Seminar «Modern Educational Technologies in the Training of Physical Therapists», April 19, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine
- WINNER of project logo competition!
- Рhysical therapу graduate students' and examiners' perception of objective structured clinical examination: a feedback for process improvement
- Analysis of the assessment of the quality of the educational process by students of the master's degree program in speciality 227.01 - Physical therapy
- Requirements for writing master's degree thesis
- Ways of formation of the domestic system of training of masters in physical therapy, within the REHAB project
- Newssheet 1
- Newssheet 2
- Ergotherapy
- Physical therapy
- MEDICAL AND REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT purchased under the project “Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine (REHAB)”
- Analytic report of EU approaches to PT education 2019
- Competencies PT NUUPES
- Curriculum PT
- Master Edocational Program in PT
- Syllabi of course PT in Gerontology and Geriartrics 2019
List of current international programs for 2022:
- Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport (Poland). Inter-Institutional Agreement between programme-countries and partner-countries for 2018-2021. Cooperation under Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning Mobility of Individuals. Open source:
- Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Poland). Inter-Institutional Agreement between programme-countries and partner-countries for 2016-2021. Cooperation under Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning Mobility of Individuals. Open source:
- Latvian Academy of Sport Education (Latvia). Inter-Institutional Agreement between programme-countries and partner-countries for 2018-2021. Cooperation under Key Action1 (KA1) – Learning Mobility of Individuals.
- Latvian Academy of Sport Education (Latvia). Erasmus+ project “REHAB: Innovative Rehabilitation Education - Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine” for 2018-2021.