National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

- NUUPES in the world
- University Structure
- Licenses and Certificates
- Educational Programs
- Admission Rules
- Documents
- Conditions of Study
- Conditions of Accommodation
- Contact Information

Nikonorov Dimitriy - the Head of the International Relations' Depertment
Welcome to the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport!
The National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport pays great attention to the international cooperation development. Prospective development plans of the University always take into account world trends and constant changes, taking place in the Ukrainian and European educational process, etc.
The main areas of international activity are representing the University at the international arena and in international organizations; looking for partners, preparing and signing cooperation agreements with foreign universities, educational and scientific institutions; working with embassies and consulates of foreign states in Ukraine; training specialists for partner countries; participating in preparation and implementation of international educational and scientific projects and programmes; advertising and information sharing activities at the international level; searching for financial support in international organizations; coordinating the participation of various University departments at international symposiums, congresses, conferences.
The University continued to maintain close business cooperation with the International Association of Universities on Physical Education and Sport during 2018.
The International Centre for Olympic Studies and Olympic Education and the Olympic Academy of Ukraine work on the basis of the University. They maintain fruitful relations with the International Olympic Committee, the International Centre for Olympic Education, the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the International Olympic Academy.
The NUUPES signed 35 agreements with higher educational and scientific institutions from 14 countries in 2018 (Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Iraq, Iran, Italy, China, Latvia, Mexico, Moldova, Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan). The University is actively working in the directions of international academic cooperation intensification. The sufficient progress was achieved in relations with Polish, Chinese and Latvian partners.
The University was visited by the delegation of the International Judo Federation and the International Judo Academy, the Shandong Sports University (China), the Guangzhou Sport University (China), the Jining University (China), the Nihon University of Tokyo (Japan), the All-Japanese Coaches Association, the National Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan, 3-D Institute (USA), etc.
As part of the international partnership, the University participates in the EU programmes "Horizon 2020", "Erasmus +" on staff and teachers’ academic mobility, and Capacity Building in Higher Education, cooperates with the European network of physical activity of the World Health Organization in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS.
The major achievement of the University in 2018 was getting the EU grant under the Erasmus + programme in the direction KA2 Capacity Building in higher education: “Innovative Rehabilitation Education – Introduction of New Master Programmes in Ukraine”.
The project goals: establishing professional capacity of the academic and research staff, developing the teaching/learning/assessment resources and creating specific educational infrastructure needed to provide the new professional study programme in physiotherapy at the national level.
Project objectives:
- Update and revise the current Bachelor Programme in Physical Therapy
- Create comprehensive Master Programme in Physical Therapy
- Increase professional capacity of the academic staff to reach at least 40 qualified PT faculty members for teaching physical therapy
- Create educational infrastructure for learning Physical Therapy at partner universities
- Pilot PT master programmes based on the new content and innovative teaching approaches, and graduate up to 200 masters in PT.
The total Grant amount is € 997.249.00.
Inter-institutional agreements have been signed with the Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport (Poland) and the Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Poland) this year. They envisage participation of students, scientific and pedagogical staff and employees of the NUUPES in the programmes of academic mobility Erasmus + at the expense of the funds provided by the EU. Under these agreements students of the NUUPES are sent to study at these universities.
During November – December 2018 a doctoral student from the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism practiced at the NUUPES with the purpose of advance training and undertaking scientific internship.
The programme “Two Diplomas” with the participation of the NUUPES and Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Poland) started in 2018. As part of this program, our students have the opportunity to obtain the Polish university diploma in addition, to undertake internships and practice in professional organizations in EU.
Факультети, кафедри
| Faculties, Departments |
Тренерський факультет / Coach Faculty | |
Кафедра спортивних ігор Кафедра футболу Кафедра спортивних видів гімнастики Кафедра хореографії і танцювальних видів спорту Кафедра професійного, неолімпійського та адаптивного спорту Кафедра інноваційних та інформаційних технологій у фізичній культурі і спорті | Team Sports Department Football Department Artistic Gymnastics Department Choreography and Dance Sports Department Professional, Non-Olympic and Adaptive Sports Department Department on Innovation and Information Technologies in Physical Culture and Sport |
Факультет спорту та менеджменту / Sport and Management Faculty | |
Кафедра біомеханіки та спортивної метрології Кафедра водних видів спорту Кафедра історії та теорії олімпійського спорту Кафедра легкої атлетики, зимових видів та велосипедного спорту Кафедра менеджменту і економіки спорту Кафедра спортивних єдиноборств та силових видів спорту | Biomechanics and Sports Metrology Department Aquatic Sports Department Department on History and Theory of Olympic Sport Department on Track-and-Field, Winter Events and Cycling Sport Sports Management and Economy Department Combat Sports and Strength Events Department
Факультет здоров’я, фізичного виховання та туризму / Health, Physical Education and Tourism Faculty | |
Кафедра фізичної терапії та ерготерапії Кафедра здоров’я, фітнесу та рекреації Кафедра теорії і методики фізичного виховання Кафедра медико-біологічних дисциплін Кафедра психології і педагогіки Кафедра туризму | Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy Department Health, Fitness and Recreation Department Theory and Methodology of Physical Education Department Biomedical Disciplines Department Psychology and Pedagogy Department Tourism Department |
Факультет заочного навчання / Extra-Mural Faculty | |
Кафедра української та іноземних мов Кафедра спортивної медицини Кафедра соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін | Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department Sports Medicine Department Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department |
Bachelor's degree (term of study - 3 years 10 months)
Speciality: 014.11 Secondary education (physical culture)
Speciality: 017 Physical culture and sport Specialization: “Coaching activities in the chosen sport” “Physical education in educational and industrial spheres” “Management in sports activities” “Fitness and recreation” |
Speciality: 024 Choreography
Speciality: 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy
Speciality: 229 Public Health
Speciality: 242 Tourism
Master's degree (term of study - 1 year 4 months)
Speciality: 014.11 Secondary education (physical culture) |
Speciality: 017 Physical culture and sport Specialization: “Physical Education” “Olympic sport and education” “Sport” “Fitness and recreation” “Management in sport” “Athletes training system in Track and Field Athletics” “Athletes training system in Aquatics” “Athletes training system in martial arts” “Sports training and coaching activities in the Olympic sports” “E-sports” |
Speciality: 091 Biology Specialization: “Sports Dietetics” “Physiology of motor activity” |
Speciality: 242 Tourism |
Master's degree (term of study - 1 year 9 months)
Speciality: 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy Specialization: “Physical therapy” “Occupational therapy” |
Bachelor's degree (term of study - 4 years 10 months)
Speciality 014.11 Secondary education (physical culture) |
Speciality 017 Physical culture and sport Specialization: “Coaching activities in the chosen sport” “Management in sports activities” “Fitness and recreation” “Physical education in educational and industrial spheres” “Physical rehabilitation” |
Speciality 242 Tourism |
Master's degree (term of study - 1 year 7 months)
Speciality: 017 Physical culture and sport Specialization: “Physical Education” “Olympic sport and education” “Sport” “Fitness and recreation” “Management in sport” “Physical rehabilitation” “Athletes training system in Aquatics” “Athletes training system in Track and Field Athletics” “Athletes training system in martial arts” “E-sports” |
Speciality: 091 Biology Specialization: “Sports Dietetics” |
Education for foreigners in the NUUPES is carried out by full-time and extra-mural studying. It is based on the documents of previous education, received no earlier than 10 years before the date of application with an announcement for entry to a higher educational institution (except the applications for entry to postgraduate study, doctoral study, qualification training and retraining) according to Procedure of Organizing Admission and Education (internship) of Foreigners and Stateless Persons, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on November 1, 2013 No. 1541.
• The condition for foreigners’ enrollment to study for getting the certain educational degree is the language proficiency at the level sufficient for studying, confirmed by the conclusion of the Selection Committee.
• Foreigners are enrolled for studying by the results of the interview.
• Foreigners can enter the Preparatory Department for foreign citizens and stateless persons if the University Admission Commission establishes the need for language studying.
List of Documents Required for Admission and Order of Document’s Submission
Foreign applicants to study in the NUUPES submit the following documents: application form;
2.the original and the copy of the certificate of the previous education;
3.the original and the copy of the certificate (supplement), which contains the information about its progress in academic subjects;
4.the copy of the birth certificate;
5.the medical health certificate, certified by the official health authority of the country from which the foreigner is and issued no later than two months before leaving to study in Ukraine;
6.the copy of the passport of a foreigner or the document certifying the stateless person;
7.the valid medical insurance policy (except for foreigners who come from countries with which the agreements on free emergency medical care are signed);
8.the copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (if available)
- The documents, referred to in Paragraphs 2-4, must be translated into the Ukrainian language with the notarized translation.
- The documents must be certified in the country in the way that is officially used in this country, and legalized by the relevant foreign diplomatic institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise is provided by the international treaties of Ukraine.
- In addition to these documents, foreigners submit other relevant documents to the Master, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies in the established order.
- All foreigners are educated at the University on compensatory bases, unless otherwise is provided by the laws of Ukraine or the international treaties of Ukraine.
- Fee for foreigners and other paid services that can be provided by the NUUPES is established each academic year and approved by the Academic Council of the University.
- The conditions of the study shall be determined by the agreements / programmes or contracts.
- The terms of payment for individuals are regulated by the contract conditions.
Cost of Education for Foreigners to the Contract
in the 2020-2021 Academic Year
Preparatory department (term of study - 1 year) | 40000 UAH |
Bachelor's degree full-time form of study (term of study - 4 years) extramural form of study (term of study - 5 years) |
50600 UAH per year 29100 UAH per year |
Master's degree full-time form of study (term of study - 1 year 4 months) extramural form of study (term of study - 1 year 7 months) |
53300 UAH per year 37300 UAH per year |
Speciality: 017 Physical culture and sport (distance form of study, language of study - English (term of study - 1 year 4 months)) Specialization: “Sports training and coaching in Olympic sports” - for each year of study |
64000 UAH per year |
Speciality: 017 Physical culture and sport (distance form of study, language of study - Russian (term of study - 1 year 4 months)) Specialization: “Sports training and coaching in Olympic sports” - for each year of study |
64000 UAH per year |
Speciality: 091 Biology (term of study - 1 year 4 months) Specialization: “Sports Dietetics” - for each year of study |
59900 UAH per year |
Speciality: 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy (term of study - 1 year 9 months)
“Physical therapy” - for each year of study
“Occupational therapy” - for each year of study |
59900 UAH per year
59900 UAH per year |
Postgraduate studies full-time form of study (term of study - 4 years) extramural form of study (term of study - 4 years) |
79500 UAH per year 39700 UAH per year |
Preparation of doctoral students (term of study - 2 years) full-time form of study | 132500 UAH per year |
Scientific internship | 39700 UAH per year |
International academic mobility of higher education seekers on the basis of NUUPES | 25250 UAH for the semester |
Educational Environment
Preparatory Department for foreigners and stateless persons is preparing to study at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport and other educational institutions in all specialties in Ukrainian.
The term of study at the Preparatory Department is one academic year.
Form of study: full-time.
At the Preparatory Department there studied the subjects according to the direction of chosen specialty:
- Biomedical direction
- Ukrainian language;
- Mathematics;
- Physics,
- Chemistry;
- Biology;
- Country Studies;
- Informatics;
- Engineering, technical and natural scientific direction:
- Ukrainian language;
- Mathematics;
- Physics;
- Chemistry;
- Biology;
- Country Studies;
- Informatics;
- Drawing;
- Economic direction:
- Ukrainian language;
- Mathematics;
- Economic and Social Geography;
- Foundations of Economy;
- Country Studies;
- Informatics;
- Humanitarian direction:
- Ukrainian language;
- Economic and Social Geography;
- History;
- Ukrainian and Foreign literature;
- Informaticsp
The NUUPES curriculum of the Preparatory Department for foreigners and stateless persons are divided into 37 educational weeks, 36 hours per week.
The number of students in the group is from 6 to 10 people. Forming groups is carried out according to the students’ arrival. Students of different nationalities study in the same group.
Each group has its curator. Curator helps students to adapt to the new living conditions and education, ensuring their participation in cultural, sports, and social activities of the University.
Students are allocated in two, three-bed dorm room block type and other municipal facilities. In the student’s hostel there is a kitchen.
Free time. The academic year at the Preparatory Department doesn’t comprise only lessons. Students visit museums, exhibitions. They get acquainted with the sights of Kyiv. At the Preparatory Department festivals and competitions, concerts and exhibitions are conducted. There are a variety of activities: conversations, discussions, educational tours, Olympiads, parties, conferences during the educational process and in extracurricular time. Students watch movies, visit performances in theaters etc.
Those students who like sports in their free time can be engaged in sports clubs and participate in various sports competitions.
After successful finishing the Preparatory Department a foreigner receives the appropriate sample certificate and enters to study on the main direction of preparation (speciality) to the institution which has issued an invitation for studying.
- The conditions of the accommodation shall be determined by the agreements / programs or contracts.
- The University does not bear the costs and does not assume any obligations related to the accommodation of foreign students’ families in Ukraine.
- The terms of payment for individuals are regulated by the contract conditions.
- Cost of living in the University students’ hostels are not included in the cost of the study and students must pay in accordance with the tariffs established for the current academic year.
Contact Information of International Relations Department
03150, Україна, м. Київ, вул. Фізкультури, 1
Відділ міжнародних зв’язків, корпус 1, кім.320 - 321
Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
Тел./факс: 00 (380 44) 2896615
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