Volodymyr PLATONOV

D.Sc., Pedagogic (1979); Professor (1980);
Merited Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1990); Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1992); Laureate of All-National Contests of the USSR State Sports Committee (1981, 1989); Honorary Doctor of Croatian University, 1996; Honorary Doctor of Gdansk Physical Education Academy, Poland, 1999; Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technique, 1999; Merited Professor of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (1999); Full Member of Baltic Pedagogic Academy, 2000; Laureate of Prize of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (2003); President (2001-2005), Honorary President (2005 - up now) of International Association of Higher Educational Establishments for Physical Education and Sport of the countries from Eastern Europe and Central Asia; Honorary Doctor of Kazakh Academy for Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Alma-Aty, Kazakhstan, 2001; Honorary Doctor of Warsaw Academy for Physical Education and Sport, Poland, 2002; Honorary Doctor of Russian state university on physical culture, sport and tourism (2003); Honorary Doctor of Shankhai Institute of Physical Education (2004).
Rector of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (1986 — 2012); Head of Department of Theory and Methods of Sport Preparation and Athlete Reserve Capacities National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (2003 — 2005); head of Olympic and Professional Sports Department, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (1986-2000); Pro-rector in Scientific Research Work, Head of Sport Theory Department, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1977-1986); head of Swimming Department, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1975-1977); lecturer, senior lecturer, an assistant professor, Kiev State Institute of People Economy (1969-1975); senior scientific worker at Problem Laboratory, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1969-1975); lecturer, Swimming Department, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1968-1969); postgraduate student of Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1965-1968); senior coach in swimming at children sports school “Moldova” (Kyshinev) (1962-1965).
Author of more than 400 publications including over 70 books (handbooks, encyclopedias, monographs, educational manuals) issued in the USSR, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, France, Argentina, Portugal, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, China, Bulgaria, Poland, Japan, etc.; during the period of 1970—2006 a scientific supervisor more than 50 Dissertations (Ph.D. and Doctorate) on the problems of elite sport, Olympic movement, and sport for all.
Merited Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1990); State prize winner of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (1999); Merited Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine, 1990; Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1992); Laureate of All-National Contests of the USSR State Sports Committee (1981, 1989); Honorary Doctor of Croatian University, 1996; Honorary Doctor of Gdansk Physical Education Academy, Poland, 1999; Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technique, 1999; Merited Professor of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (1999); Full Member of Baltic Pedagogic Academy, 2000; Laureate of Prize of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (2003); Olympic Order of International Olympic Committee (2001) for distinguished contribution in development of International Olympic Movement; an order “Sign of Honour” (1982); a medal “For Distinguished Labor” (1988); a medal “For Long-term Honest Labor” (1990); an order “For Merits” Third Class (1997); a gold medal “For Merits in Education” (2003) of International Academy on Personnel; a Diploma of Honour of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine (2005), an order of Yaroslav the Wise, Fifth Class (2006); twice Laureate of the most prestigious USSR prize “For the best scientific-research work in the field of physical culture and sport” and gold medals (1981, 1987).
Member of national council on physical culture and sport affiliated to the President of Ukraine (2005 – up now); head of scientific-coordination council in the field of physical culture and sport at the Ministry of Ukraine on family, youth and sport (2005 – up now); permanent representative of Ukraine in the UNO Committee on Fight Against Apartheid (1988-1991); consultant of the USSR national teams in swimming (1973-1982), cycling sport (1978-1991), handball (1978-1991); head of commission on theory and methods of USSR State Sport Committee (1985-1991); President of Swimming Federation of Ukraine (1973-80); Vice-president (1991-1998), first Vice-president (1998-2002) of National Olympic Committee of Ukraine; NOC Executive Board member (2005 – till now).
Phone: 380(44)287-5452
Fax: 380(44)287-6191
E-mail: v.platonov@nupesu.kiev.ua