Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Full member of Academy of Science of Ukraine,
Merited Worker in Science and Technology of Ukraine
- 1977 - 1981 PE teacher, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture;
- 1981 - 1984 PhD, (Pedagogy), Post-graduate Course, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture;
- 1985 - 1990 Human Biology; Kiev State University named after T.G. Shevchenko;
- 1992 - 1995 D.Sc., Pedagogy, Doctorate Course, State University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport.
Professional Background
- 1984 - 1985 Lecturer, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture;
- 1985 - 1986 Senior Lecturer, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture;
- 1986 - 1990 Ass. Professor, State University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 1990 - 1995 Professor, State University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 1995 - 2001 Head, Department on Advanced Technology in Sports, State University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 2001 - 2003 Head, State Committee of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (Ministry of Sport);
- 2003 - 2012 Vice-rector, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 2012 -2015 Head, Department on History of Olympic Movement, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 2015 - 2019 Head, Department of Theory and History of Olympic Sports, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport;
- 2019 Director of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute
Honorary and public activities
- 1992–now «Women and Sport» Commission member, Council of Europe
- 1994–2011 International journal «Science in Olympic sport», Editor-in-Chief
- 1995–now «European Council on Sports Science in the System of Higher Education», member;
- 1995–2001 «Integration into Society through Sport» Commission member, Council of Europe;
- 1998‒2000 European Society on Sport Information «Clearing House», Directorate member
- 1998–now Centre for Olympic Studies and Education, Director
- 1999–now Olympic Academy of Ukraine, President
- 2000–now Executive Board of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, member
- 2000–now Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Ukraine on Family, Youth and Sports, member
- 2000–2004 Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, member
- 2001–now Commission for Olympic Education and Culture, NOC of Ukraine, Head
- 2004–now Scientific and Methodical Council of the International Olympic Academy, member
- 2004–2008 Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, Head of the
- 2008–now Council of the International Association of Physical Culture and Sports Universities, member
- 2010–now International Society of Olympic Historians (ISOH), member
- 2016–now IOC Commission «Culture and Olympic Heritage», member
- 2017–now Commission on proficiency improvement of coaches and strategy development of the Olympic preparation of the NOC of Ukraine», member
- 2018–now European Olympic Academies, Vice-president
- 2018–now National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, Vice-president.
State awards:
- Merited Worker in Science and Technology of Ukraine (2000);
- Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2000);
- Honored Diploma of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2004);
- Order of Princess Olga, 3rd Class (2010);
- Order of Princess Olga, 2nd Class, (2016).
Awards of the non-governmental organizations in Ukraine:
- Plato's Medal «For outstanding achievements in the progress of society», Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (2004)
- Medal of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2005)
- Gold Medal for the best research work in the field of Olympic sports (2007)
- Medal of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences «Magic Power of Ukraine» (2011)
- Medal of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «The power of Ukraine is wonderful» (2012)
- Medal of the NOC of Ukraine «A. D. Boutovsky» (2014)
- Medal of the NOC of Ukraine «For devotion to Olympism» (2016)
- Sign of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «For Scientific and Educational Achievements» (2016)
- Order of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences «For Creative Achievement» (2016)
- Laureate of the award of the NOC of Ukraine «For the best scientific book of the year» (2006, 2011, 2013).
International recognition:
- Award of the International Olympic Committee - Pierre de Coubertin Medal (2010)
- «Athena» – the award of the International Olympic Academy (2012)
- Honorary Award of the International Society of Olympic Historians «D. Vikelas's Plaque» (2014)
- «IOC President’s Trophy» - Thomas Bach award (2015)
- Award of the International Olympic Committee «Sport and Art» (2015)
- Medal «Friendship» of the President of Mongolia (2010)
- Medal of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (2013)
- Medal of Honour of the NOC of Lithuania (2015)
- Medal of the NOC of Georgia (2016)
- Medal of the National Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan (2017)
Other awards:
«Crystal Book» for the best book of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2010)
Doctor Honoris Causa and Professor at Universities in Colombia, Lithuania, Venezuela,
Romania, Moldova, Armenia, and Kazakhstan.
Research interests
History of development of international sports and the Olympic movement; Olympic sport and its current challenges; Olympic education, theory and methodology of athletes’ preparation in Olympic sports; innovative technologies in fitness, sports and recreation.
Editorial Boards and Editorships
Scientific journals’ editorial board member:
- Science in Olympic Sport, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Theory and Practice of Physical Education, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia;
- Octopus, Barcelona, Spain; etc.
Scientific advisor at "Olympic Literature" Publishing House, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author (co-author) of more than 300 scientific publications on elite sports, Olympic history and Olympic education including over 30 fundamental books: "Physical Abilities of Athletes" (1994); Athletes’ Physical Preparation (1995); “Athletes’ Altitude Preparation" (1996); "Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports" in 5 volumes (1998), "IOC Presidents: Lives and Deeds" (2001); "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" (two-volume handbook for university students, (2003); "Athletes’ Physical Preparation" (handbook for university students, 2004, Russian and Spain); "Encyclopaedia of Olympic Sports" in five volumes, (Chapters, 2004); "Encyclopaedia of Olympic Sports in Ukraine" (Chapters, 2005); "Olympic Sports" (two volume complemented handbook for university students, 2009); Ukrainian-Russian-English phrasebook in three volumes "Olympians speak English"(2009); "Olympic Sports " in 2 volumes (2010); "Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Athletes" (2010, 2013, Ukrainian, Russian, English), "Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Coaches" (2011, 2014, Ukrainian, English); "Cultural Heritage of Ancient Greece and Olympic Games" (2011,
Russian, English), "Games that conquered the world" (2011); "Olympic Games. 1896 – 2012" in 2 volumes (2013, Ukrainian, Russian, English); "First Russian Olympiad. Kyiv - 1913" (2013, Ukrainian, Russian, English); "Second Russian Olympiad. Riga – 1914" (2014, Russian, Ukrainian, English); "Athletics. Encyclopaedia in Questions and Answers" (2015, Ukrainian, English); "Fencing. Encyclopaedia in Questions and Answers" (2017, Ukrainian,); “Olympic stories. Wrestling” (2016); “Olympic heritage of Ukraine” (1st book -2016; 2nd – 2017); "Wrestling. Encyclopaedia in Questions and Answers" (2017, Ukrainian); “25 years together. Olympic education” (2017), “Fencing. Encyclopedia in questions and answers” (2017, Ukrainian); “Boxing. Encyclopedia in questions and answers” (2018, Ukrainian); Figure skating. Encyclopedia in questions and answers (2018, Ukrainian); “Tennis. Encyclopedia in questions and answers” (2019, Ukrainian), “Olympic sport in the system of humanitarian education” (2019, Ukrainian) and the like.
Books intended for children: "Your First Olympic Guide Book" (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016; 2017, Ukrainian, English); "Games of the XXIX Olympiad. Beijing 2008"; "Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports in Questions and Answers" (2009, Ukrainian, English) – was recognized as the best book of the year in Ukraine in the category "From the depths of Ages" and awarded the "Crystal Book" (2009), the English version of this edition is approved by the International Olympic Academy as the main handbook for educational programs in the Youth Olympic Games; "XXI Winter Olympic Games. Vancouver 2010"; "Youth Olympic Games. Singapore 2010"; "Winter Youth Olympic Games. Innsbruck 2012"; "Games of the XXX Olympiad. London 2012"; “XXII Winter Olympic Games. Sochi 2014"; "II Youth Olympic Games. Nanjing 2014"; "II Winter Youth Olympic Games, Lillehammer 2016"; “Games of the XXXI Olympiad. Rio de Janeiro 2016”; “XXIIІ Winter Olympic Games, Pyeongchang-2018”, “III Youth Olympic Games”; "IIІ Winter Youth Olympic Games, Lausanne, 2020", "The Games of the ХХХІІ Olympiad. Tokyo 2020" etc. The book "Your Olympic Guidebook" (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, English) is recognized by the European Olympic Committees as a textbook for education programs of the European Youth Olympic Games and Festivals; “Olympic Games. A trip to antiquity” (2018, Ukrainian); "Olympic Games. Renaissance” (2019, Ukrainian); and many others.
Teaching and lecturing activities
Argentina (Rosario - 1997, Buenos Aires - 2007); Belarus (Minsk: 1997-2019); Bulgaria (Sofia - 2013); Canada (London, Ontario - 1995); China (Wuhan - 1994, 2004, Xiyan - 2009, Beijing - 2013, 2016); Colombia (Cali, Bogota: 2006-2016); Croatia (Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Opatija, Split: 1998-2006); Cuba (Havana - 2003, 2008); France (INSEP, Paris: 1998-2004); Greece (Olympia: 1998-2017, Komotini - 1994); Hungary (Budapest - 1986, 1988); India (Delhi - 2000); Israel (Wingate Institute - 1992, 2016); Italy (Rome, Bologna, Pinerolo, Pergamo: 1988-2013); Kazakhstan (Almaty: 2001-2013, 2017-19); Latvia (Riga - 2010, 2014); Lithuania (Vilnius - 2010, 2014); Mexico (Monterrey, Michoacán - 2008, 2009); Moldova (Chisinau - 2009, 2011, 2013); Mongolia (Ulan Bator - 2011, 2018); Poland (Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan, Spala: 1986-2017); Romania (Bucharest - 2013, 2014, Brashov - 2013); Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Belgorod, Sochi: 1984-2019); Serbia (Belgrade - 2008); Slovakia (Bratislava - 2010); Spain (Barcelona - 1990, 1992, Santiago de Compostela - 1993, Badalona - 1993, Sitges - 1994); Uruguay (Montevideo, 2016); Venezuela (San Carlos, Caracas - 2009, 2011), etc.
Russian, English, Ukrainian, Hungarian.